Adolescent Sexual Behavior Treatment
Our Idaho SOMB Certified Juvenile Treatment Providers offer treatment for adolescents with problematic sexual behaviors. Clients will gain a deeper understanding of healthy sexuality and develop tools to manage their thoughts, feelings and behaviors. Our program addresses problematic sexual behaviors while helping the adolescent develop protective variables and reframe cognitive distortions.

Pornography Cessation
Are you struggling with compulsive pornography use? Pornography use is prevalent in our society and adversely affects relationships and families. We employ a cognitive behavioral approach that will help you address problematic behaviors related to sexualized content and restore relationship disconnection.
Adult Sex Offender
Our Idaho SOMB Certified Adult Treatment Providers offer one-on-one counseling sessions, family and group therapy for adult sex offenders. At Altis, we have an integrative treatment approach and our sex offender specific curriculum will be adapted to your personal situation. Clients focus on building relationships of mutual respect in order to accomplish treatment goals while assimilating back into family relationships and community roles.